What I'd Like to Do in 2022

Welcome to 2022! It’s that time of year again where everyone is talking RESOLUTIONS and GOALS. Oh boy…

Usually I really like to make lists and plans and all that fun stuff. I mean, I still do. It just all seems a little overwhelming at the present moment. Lately all my carefully laid plans become last-minute panics and rushed content with half-hearted effort.

I saw a lot of growth in 2021 as far as my Etsy shop and art output and am really happy with the progress I’ve made, but I also had some setbacks in other areas of my freelance work and business. I’m still constantly wondering what I can be doing better.

Toward the end of December, my head was full of ideas and goals for the new year. However, I was a little all over the place and couldn’t really find a focus.

To summarize, I don’t really know what I’m doing.

Then I stepped back and thought, maybe this is the year to just…go with the flow. For now, I’ll be happy exploring new ideas and see what comes of it, while putting less pressure on myself to do all the things. If there is one goal I have right now, it’s to KEEP THINGS SIMPLE.

And as a side note, I’ll be having my fourth BABY in just a couple months, so I already know that any goals made at this point would be sabotaged shortly anyway, LOL!

So, I just wanted to share these New Year’s thoughts with you. :)

Best, Nicole

Oh, and by the way, I did manage to get some new Valentine card templates out. Yay! Check out the bundle here…

…and if you haven't already, sign up for my email newsletter for access to this cute printable chocolate treat box FREEBIE!