Happy Autumn!

Just a quick update!

If you enjoy staying up-to-date on my artwork on a more regular basis, I’d encourage you to follow my Instagram (@nicolejonessturk). But for those of you who don’t, here’s a summary of what’s been going on lately…

1. My latest digital sticker set at Holly Pixels, Papercut Florals, was inspired by intricate paper cutting art. Get it HERE.

2. Fall has officially begun! It’s my favorite time of year, so I sketched up this lettering piece to celebrate.

3. I usually do most of my art digitally on my iPad and iMac, but a couple weeks ago, I lost power for four days due to high winds in my area. As a result, I resorted to good ol’ pen and paper to begin work on what would become my Papercut Florals stickers.

4. In case you missed it… last year I created a Halloween-themed coloring book, Pretty Creepy. It’s fun because each of the 15 designs comes with both a white and black background. You can get it as either digital/printable files on my Etsy or as a physical printed book on Amazon.

Digital files for printing or iPad coloring

Printed book on Amazon

5. Who’s excited for Halloween? Here’s a quick piece of Friday Fan Art I made inspired by Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

6. One thing you may or may not know about me is that I like to play violin. I’ve only been playing and taking lessons for a couple years and I have no intention to ever perform (too scary!)—I just like it. I made myself a custom page for my Goodnotes planner and decorated it with a sticker from my Painted Garden collection, because everything is better with flowers!

Painted Garden stickers